
3 out of 4 pregnant women in the US are unvaccinated: CDC=YouTubeチャンネルABC News より


3 out of 4 pregnant women in the US are unvaccinated: CDC=YouTubeチャンネルABC News より


コロンビア大学の小児科医で、自身も妊娠8か月であるDr. Edith Bracho-Sanchezが登場します。まずは、ニュースキャスターが紹介するアメリカの妊婦のワクチン接種率を聴いて、(  )の中を書き取ってください。ひとつの(  )にひとつの単語とは限りません。

3 out of 4 pregnant women in the US are unvaccinated: CDC=YouTubeチャンネルABC News より

Staying on COVID-19. We want to highlight a (  1  ) from the CDC. Three out of four pregnant women in the US remain unvaccinated. It’s even higher for pregnant black women; (   2   ) are unvaccinated. And to take a closer look, we bring in Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez, a ( 3 ) at Columbia university. Doctor, thanks so much for joining us. 新型コロナのニュースを続けます。CDCが発表した驚くべき統計を紹介したいと思います。アメリカでは、妊娠中の女性の4人に3人がワクチンを受けていません。黒人の妊婦の場合はさらに割合が高く、10人中9人がワクチンを受けていないのです。詳しく見ていくために、コロンビア大学の小児科医であるエディス・ブラチョ・サンチェス博士をお招きしてお話をお聞きします。博士、お越しいただきありがとうございます。

キャスターが「なぜ妊娠中の女性はコロナに感染すると重症化するリスクが高いのか」と質問します。それに対する博士の答えを聴いて、(  )の中を書き取ってください。ひとつの(  )にひとつの単語とは限りません。

3 out of 4 pregnant women in the US are unvaccinated: CDC=YouTubeチャンネルABC News より

Yes. So, we know that the (    4    ) in pregnancy. We know that our lung capacity is different in pregnancy. And I say “our” because I’m eight months pregnant myself, Lindsay, we (    5    ) Our bodies work a little bit differently and as you mentioned we are learning that in pregnancy our chances of landing in the hospital or landing in the ICU are higher if we contract COVID-19. 妊娠すると、免疫システムが変化することが分かっています。妊娠中は私たちの肺活量も変わってきます。私自身が妊娠8か月なので、「私たちの」と申し上げましたが、リンジーさん、私たちは生理学的に異なるのです。おっしゃった通り、妊娠中に新型コロナに感染すると、病院やICU:集中治療室に運ばれる可能性が高くなることが分かっています。

次に、ワクチンの妊婦に対する安全性と効果について語る博士の言葉を聴いて、(  )の中を書き取ってください。ひとつの(  )にひとつの単語とは限りません。

3 out of 4 pregnant women in the US are unvaccinated: CDC=YouTubeチャンネルABC News より

Yes. So, at this point we actually have really good safety data. At the beginning of the pandemic, when we first started (   7   ), we didn’t have all this data available. We now know from over close to 40000 women that there is no increased risk of ( 8 ) of early delivery of your baby, and which are the things that worry a lot of pregnant women. So we know that these things do not happen more frequently if you receive the vaccine in pregnancy. And if you choose to get the vaccine, you can actually be protected from some of those (  9  ) that we talked about. 現時点で、非常に優れた安全性に関するデータが得られています。妊娠中の女性にワクチンを接種しはじめたパンデミックの初期の頃には、このようなデータはありませんでした。現在、およそ4万人に近い女性を対象に調査し、多くの妊婦が心配する流産や早産のリスクは増加しないことが分かっています。妊娠中にワクチンを打っても、これらの問題は起きないことが分かりました。また、ワクチンを接種すれば、妊娠した女性は、これまで述べてきた有害な結果から守られるわけです。





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Staying on COVID-19. We want to highlight a stunning statistic from the CDC. Three out of four pregnant women in the US remain unvaccinated. It’s even higher for pregnant black women; Nine out of ten are unvaccinated. And to take a closer look, we bring in Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez, a pediatrician at Columbia university. Doctor, thanks so much for joining us.

1. stunning statistic  stunning は、動詞 stun =「気絶させる、ぼうっとさせる」の現在分詞で、形容詞として使われて statistic=「統計」を修飾しています。全体で、「驚くべき統計」という意味になります。

2. Nine out of ten 10人中9人 9割、90%

3. pediatrician(名詞)小児科医 新生児から18歳以下の子どもを診る医師のこと。

Yes. So, we know that the immune system is different in pregnancy. We know that our lung capacity is different in pregnancy. And I say “our” because I’m eight months pregnant myself, Lindsay, we have a different physiology. Our bodies work a little bit differently and as you mentioned we are learning that in pregnancy our chances of landing in the hospital or landing in the ICU are higher if we contract COVID-19. 

4. immune system is different immune system =免疫系、免疫システム

5. have a different physiology physiology=生理学、生理機能

6. contract 他動詞として使われるとき、contractには、「病気にかかる」という意味があります。ここでは、目的語にCOVID-19がきていますから、「もし私たち妊婦が新型コロナに感染すると」と言う意味になります。contract は、名詞としては「契約」と言う意味、自動詞としては「縮小する、収縮する」という意味があります。cf. Heated metal contract as it cools down. =「熱された金属は冷えると収縮する」

Yes. So, at this point we actually have really good safety data. At the beginning of the pandemic, when we first started vaccinating pregnant women, we didn’t have all this data available. We now know from over close to 40000 women that there is no increased risk of miscarriage of early delivery of your baby, and which are the things that worry a lot of pregnant women. So we know that these things do not happen more frequently if you receive the vaccine in pregnancy. And if you choose to get the vaccine, you can actually be protected from some of those adverse outcomes that we talked about.

7. vaccinating pregnant woman 動詞 vaccinate =ワクチン接種する 自動詞と他動詞があり、ここではpregntant woman が目的語に来ている他動詞。

8. miscarriage (名詞) 流産 cf. have a miscarriage =流産する

9. adverse outcomes 形容詞 adverse は、「反対の、不利な、逆の、悪い」という意味があり、名詞 outcome を修飾しています。全体で、「有害な結果、悪い結果」という意味になります。



3 out of 4 pregnant women in the US are unvaccinated: CDC=YouTubeチャンネルABC News より

医師:Lindsay, I didn’t. As soon as I qualified I knew I had to run and get this shot and protect myself, my baby, and my pregnancy. I’ve been really candid about this, before this pregnancy I do have a history of a miscarriage and I wanted at all cause, Lindsay, to protect this baby in this pregnancy so as soon as I became eligible as a healthcare provider I ran and I got my shots. Everything has gone
Wonderfully. We are on baby watch in the next month and I really, really hope that pregnant women out there hear this call and go ahead and get themselves this vaccine and protect themselves, their baby and their pregnancy.

キャスター:Why do you think that so many expecting mothers are nervous about getting this shot? I’ve also heard the same true of people who are trying to get pregnant who have not gotten vaccinated because of their concerns. What’s your message to those who still have so much uncertainty about it?

医師:Yeah. I think first, Lindsay, I get it. I think our fertility and our pregnancies, our future babies are so sacred and so important and we try as women so hard to protect those things. I think I would say first that Covid- 19 is very serious in pregnancy. We learn day by day just how serious it is and with this delta variant now it’s so important to protect ourselves, our babies, our pregnancies. And we’ve also learned that the vaccine does not affect fertility. It truly does not affect fertility hormones, have nothing to do with your immune system. So really, really take this into account if you still need to talk to your physician, go ahead and do so but every day you wait is the day that you are vulnerable to this illness.

キャスター:And you told us that you got your shot in January. You’re eight months pregnant. What are your thoughts on booster shots if not for yourself then that someone in your situation perhaps a little further down the road once these shots are approved.

医師:Yeah. I can’t wait to get my booster vaccine, to tell you the truth Lindsay. I hope that when I do my antibody levels go up and in that case I will be able to pass to my baby if he’s still in there through the placenta if not through breast milk because I do plan to breastfeed so I’m eagerly waiting guidance on booster shots for pregnant women. I hope it comes soon we’re sort of waiting for the data.

キャスター:And that was going to be my follow-up for women who have already delivered and they’re now nursing their babies and they have been vaccinated, it’s presumed that the babies do get those antibodies through breast milk.

医師:That’s exactly right. As long as they are breastfeeding, they are passing those antibodies through the breast milk. It’s not a one and done it’s not a one and you know I breastfed today and tomorrow and I passed it on and I’m done but it is as long as you keep breastfeeding something that you keep passing on to your baby.

キャスター:Over time. Okay, Dr. Bracho-Sanchez, we thank you so much for your time and insight.

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