YouTubeで学ぶ英語:(55)白髪は生きている証し Be that person !

YouTubeのWhy My Gray Hairs Make Me Happy ***Be That Person***=The Stay At Home Chefチャンネルより


YouTubeのWhy My Gray Hairs Make Me Happy ***Be That Person***= The Stay At Home Chefチャンネルより

YouTubeのWhy My Gray Hairs Make Me Happy ***Be That Person***=The Stay At Home Chefチャンネルより

いつもは家庭で作れる美味しくて簡単な料理のレシピを紹介しているレイチェルさんが、なぜ今回は、こんな意地悪なコメントに答える動画を作ったのでしょうか? スピーチの最初の部分を聞いて、(  )の中を書き取ってください。

I recently got this comment on my blog: You look like you’re 70 with your gray hairs. You really should consider ( 1 ) them for TV so you don’t look like such an old hag….Just a suggestion.


*hag (名)くそばばあ、意地悪な高齢女性

I’m 31 years old and I’ve got a ( 2 ) amount of gray hair as you can see. Now normally I just share recipes, but today I wanted to take a minute to talk about this comment and address it publicly because this is something I feel strongly about.


レイチェルさんのお連れ合いはなぜ、白髪を染めない方が良いと言うのでしょうか? そして、レイチェルさんは自分の体のことについて、どう話していますか?

My husband actually feels very strongly that I shouldn’t dye my hair and his reasoning is that he wants us to grow old together. How ( 3 ) is that?


*If you read my about me page, you’ll find that I have a rare autoimmune disease that means that I will most likely never live to be 70 years old. Every sign of ( 4 ) that I have is a sign that I’m still alive. A lot of people don’t get the privilege to ever live to be old, and I probably won’t either. Which means that I don’t have time to waste ( 5 ) myself and I don’t have time to waste ( 5 ) other people. I care a lot more about what my life is like right now.

*If you read my about me page ← このように聞こえますが、おそらく If you read about me あるいは、If you read my page という意味だと思います。


レイチェルさんが話し始めて40秒経ってからの言葉に、胸を突かれました。意地悪なコメントにあった”白髪”をはじめとする老化のサインは、そこまで生きていられたというサインなんだ。白髪が増えたり、シミやしわが出来るまで生きていられない人はたくさんいる、私もそのひとりというレイチェルさんの言葉をかみしめたいと思います。老いることは恩恵= privilegeなんですね。






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YouTubeで学ぶ英語: 関連記事:




I recently got this comment on my blog: You look like you’re 70 with your gray hairs. You really should consider dying them for TV so you don’t look like such an old hag….Just a suggestion.

I’m 31 years old and I’ve got a fair amount of gray hair as you can see.
Now normally I just share recipes, but today I wanted to take a minute to talk about this comment and address it publicly because this is something I feel strongly about.

My husband actually feels very strongly that I shouldn’t dye my hair and his reasoning is that he wants us to grow old together. How cute is that?

If you read my about me page, you’ll find that I have a rare autoimmune disease that means that I will most likely never live to be 70 years old. Every sign of aging that I have is a sign that I’m still alive. A lot of people don’t get the privilege to ever live to be old, and I probably won’t either. Which means that I don’t have time to waste criticizing myself and I don’t have time to waste criticizing other people. I care a lot more about what my life is like right now.

  1. 1. dying  dye (動)染める、着色する
  2.  動詞 consider の目的語として動名詞形 dying が来ています
  1. 2. fair(形) fair には多くの意味がありますが、今回は amount =量という意味の名詞と一緒に使われているので 「かなりの」という意味になるでしょう
  1. 3. cute(形)可愛い、キュート *男性を形容するときもよく使う形容詞です
  1. 4. aging(名)年をとること、老化、高齢化
  1. 5. criticizing criticize (動)批判する、批評する、あら探しをする I don’t have time to waste 無駄にする時間はない + criticizing  あら探しをしながら


I was born with a genetic jaw deformity and it showed up in puberty really prominently. And of course, there were plenty of kids who took the opportunity to point that out to me and make fun of me. And I let it completely break me. I felt like I was some sort of hideous monster. I had to wait until I was older and an adult and finished growing before I could get it fixed And I always told myself that once I finally got that surgery I would be happy and I would be beautiful then…That surgery came and went and I was really happy for a little bit and then once the excitement wore off, I realized that I was just me and I was the same person I’d always been and I still felt the exact same way about myself. It has taken me more than a decade of really hard work to change the way that I felt about myself.


I have a crooked nose with a hook in it. I’ve got freckles and bags under my eyes. I’ve got a yellow tint to my skin. I have hairs that grow in places I don’t want them to. I fluctuate in weight and carry more pounds than I’d like to sometimes. I’ve got wrinkles and stretch marks and sunspots and scars all over my body. And I also have gray hair. And I love all of it. It has taken me a long time to learn that.


The world needs more people who will build each other up instead of tearing each other down.The world needs more men like my husband who are willing to encourage women to embrace who they are. The world needs more women who are willing to rock their bodies exactly the way that God made them. Be that person. Be that person. Be that person.


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