
YouTubeの「3 Quick Pencil Bun Ideas | Back-to-School Hairstyles」=「Cute Girls Hairstyles」チャンネルより




I’m going to use these (      1      ) little No.2 pencils to show you all of the cool, quick, (      2      ) buns that you can do in school with nothing more than a pencil!


  1. *No.2の鉛筆=HBの鉛筆 アメリカではNo.2という言い方が一般的で、英国ではHBの方が広く使われているようです。ちなみにNo.1 が最も硬く、No.4 が柔らかいとのこと。Hはhard 、BはBlack の略。
  2. *bun (名)髪のおだんご、まげ、巻き髪


Now for the first bun I’m going to show you, we are just going to do a basic bun. I am going to start by (        3          )  sure I have a couple of little wispys down in front, so that its not all “too” pulled back, and then I’m going to (        4       ) the remainder of my hair, and just finger  (         5           ) it back.

Now, remember, we are doing this as though we are sitting in school, in class. So, you are only going to use your fingers and your pencil.

Now, when you get it positioned where you want it, I’m going to go ahead and start (        6          ) , and forming a bun. Like this… then I’m going to take my trusty pencil, and you’re going to go downward on one side, and then your going to, kind of, (       7         ) up and down a little bit, as you go through the bun, until you pop it out the other side. And, then, let it go… and you have a bun!


  1. *wispy (hair) 細い毛、少しだけの量の髪 本来は形容詞ですが、ここでは前に垂らす「細い髪の束」として名詞のように使っています。
  2. *remainder(名) 残り、余り






YouTubeで学ぶ英語 関連記事:


YouTubeの「3 Quick Pencil Bun Ideas | Back-to-School Hairstyles」=「Cute Girls Hairstyles」チャンネルより

YouTubeの「3 Quick Pencil Bun Ideas | Back-to-School Hairstyles」=「Cute Girls Hairstyles」チャンネルより


聴き取りの  答えと解説

1.         trusty     (形) 頼りになる

2.        messy  (形) 乱れた、ボサボサの

3.        making  cf. make sure ~  確実に~する 忘れずに~する

4.        grab    (動)つかむ、握る

5.        comb           (動)髪をくしで梳かす cf.  finger comb 指ですく、手ぐしで整える

6.        twisting   (動) ねじる、より合わせる

7.         weave  (動)織る、紡ぐ、(複雑なものを)作り上げる

I’m going to use these trusty little No.2 pencils to show you all of the cool, quick, messy buns that you can do in school with nothing more than a pencil!

Now for the first bun I’m going to show you, we are just going to do a basic bun. I am going to start by making sure I have a couple of little wispys down in front, so that its not all “too” pulled back, and then I’m going to grab the remainder of my hair, and just finger comb it back.

Now, remember, we are doing this as though we are sitting in school, in class. So, you are only going to use your fingers and your pencil.

Now, when you get it positioned where you want it, I’m going to go ahead and start twisting, and forming a bun. Like this… then I’m going to take my trusty pencil, and you’re going to go downward on one side, and then your going to, kind of, weave up and down a little bit, as you go through the bun, until you pop it out the other side. And, then, let it go… and you have a bun!


For the second bun, you are going to take your ponytail. And I like this one kind of lower, at the nape of my neck.  I’m going to take my pencil, and I’m going to lay it on the left side of my hair and wrap my hair around the pencil.

Now, if you have longer hair like mine, you are going to double wrap it, but if you have shorter hair you can just do it once.

Now you’re going to take the pencil and twist it, so that the point is now at the top of your head.  And you’re going to flip the pencil. Make sure you don’t scratch your scalp. And you’re going to go down through your hair, until you can almost feel the point coming out, right there, and then you’re going to release!


*nape     (形)うなじ、首筋

*lay         (動)置く 押し付ける

*double wrap 2回巻き付ける

*flip  (動)ひっくり返す 反転させる

*scratch (動)引っかく、傷つける

*scalp (名)頭皮


For the third bun, I like it up a little higher, So I’m going to… go just a little bit higher this time. And, I’m going to repeat like we did on the first bun, which is you just create a bun with your hands. And when you get to this stage, instead of going side to side, like we did on the first one, I’m going to start right on the bottom, with my pencil And I’m going to work it through the middle of the bun, and when the pencil is up at the top, then I’m going to take it and give it a little tug to loosen things up, and then flip it!  And, push it back straight down through the hair. And you want to try to do it as evenly as possible.

And, then, when you can feel the pencil just barely popping out, you are done! OK guys, let’s do the final spin…this is bun number three.  And its pretty secure, like it’s going to stay in!

この3番目のヘアースタイルに関しては訳を付けませんので、自分で意味を読み取ってください。tug して(引っ張って)、おだんごを緩めてから鉛筆を反転させるという髪型ですが、とてもsecureな(しっかり固定されて動かない)スタイルだそうです。鉛筆だけでなく、お箸やかんざしで、ぜひお試しください。意味が分からない部分がありましたら、コメント欄で質問をどうぞ。お待ちしています。

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