天才武将を描く英語ミュージカル Musical about a genius samurai in English | アイデアニュース

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天才武将を描く英語ミュージカル Musical about a genius samurai in English

筆者: アイデアニュース編集部 更新日: 2024年9月12日

兵庫県宝塚市内を拠点に活動するアマチュア男性歌劇団「ミュージカル・バディーズ」は、2024年9月23日(月・振替休日)に、兵庫県神戸市中央区の湊川神社・楠公会館で、オリジナル歴史ミュージカル『龍起伝 ~楠木正成と久子~』を日本語と英語で上演します。

Musical Buddies, an amateur men’s singing troupe based in Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture, will present the original historical musical “Ryukiden: Kusunoki Masashige and Hisako” in Japanese and English, on September 23, 2024 (Monday, substitute holiday) at Minatogawa Shrine Nanko-kaikan in Chuo-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture.

この作品は、2022年の初演からこれまで3府県で計22回上演されてきましたが、この作品を全編英語化した英語版ミュージカル”The True Samurai -Ryukiden:Kusunoki Masashige and Hisako-“の上演は今回が初めて。日本語版は入場料1,000円ですが、英語版は無料です。

The Japanese version of “Ryukiden” has been performed 22 times in three prefectures since its premiere in 2022. Now, for the first time, the English-language version of this work, “The True Samurai -Ryukiden: Kusunoki Masashige and Hisako-,” will be performed. Admission for the Japanese version is 1,000 yen, and the English version is free.


Here is the English version of the promotional video.

英語版予約はこちら Reservation for the English version→ https://musicalbuddies.com/reservation


Masato Hashimoto, representative of Musical Buddies, said, “We are very happy to be able to perform the story of my favorite Masashige Kusunoki at Minatogawa Shrine, which is dedicated to Lord Masashige, with the help of people who have worked on student musicals for sound and lighting. I will do my best to perform Masashige so that people overseas will also be able to appreciate his charms.


Story: 750 years ago in Japan. At a time when a military government called the Kamakura Shogunate ruled the country, Masashige Kusunoki, who wanted to create a new world centered on the Emperor, led only 500 comrades in a continuous battle against the Kamakura Shogunate, which had 200,000 soldiers, and finally defeated the Kamakura Shogunate by calling for the rebellion of the goyemen in the center of the Kamakura Shogunate. But what awaited him was a tragedy……


This is part of the video footage from a preview performance of the English version at Sannomiya Platz, a street live spot managed by the city of Kobe.

「三宮プラッツ」での英語版をプレビュー公演より From the preview performance of the English version at “Sannomiya Platz”


In both the Japanese and English versions, the role of Kusunoki Masashige will be played by Hashimoto Masato, who has previously played Hisako(Masashige’s wife) and other roles. The roles of Hisako, Prince Otonomiya, and Nitta Yoshisada will be played by “Masa,” who joined Buddies last year, and the roles of Akamatsu Enshin, Kusunoki Masatsura, Emperor Godaigo, and Ashikaga Takauji will be played by Kusunoki Taimei, who has joined this year. English translation and narration will be provided by Matsunaka Midori, an English teacher.

<ミュージカル『龍起伝 ~楠木正成と久子~』>
【日本語版】2024年9月23日(月・振替休日) 午後1時開演 湊川神社・楠公会館 入場料1,000円

<musical “Ryukiden: Kusunoki Masashige and Hisako”>
【English version】September 23, 2024 (Monday, substitute holiday) 
starts at 3:00 P.M.  Minatogawa Shrine Nanko-kaikan Free Admission
Reservation for the English version→https://musicalbuddies.com/reservation

日本語版と英語版のチラシ Japanese and English versions of the flyer


Kusunoki Masashige:Hashimoto Masato
Hisako, Ootomiya, Nitta Yoshisada:Masa
Akamatsu Enshin, Kusunoki Masatsura, Ashikaga Takauji, Emperor Godaigo: Kusunoki Taimei
Narration:Matsunaka Midori
Original Story/Screenplay : Hashimoto Masato
English script : Matsunaka Midori
Stage Manager/Sound: Toni
Lighting : Okawa Sarasa
Pinspotlight: Ueno Yoshiaki, Mishan
Sound and lighting support: Masuda Masuaki
Illustration : An Ji
Music Composition: Amacha
Lyrics: Hashimoto Masato
[Organized by]
Musical Buddies

『龍起伝 ~楠木正成と久子~』 関連記事:


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