translator:MATSUNAKA Midori
An online petition demanding the immediate shutdown of the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant has gathered more than 100,000 signatures. This power plant is the only commercial nuclear plant now in operation amid continued quakes. TAKAGI Hiroshi, the petitioner, who is originally from Kumamoto Prefecture submitted a 98,889-signature petition as the first collection on April 21 at around 9 a.m. to Prime Minister ABE, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry HAYASHI and Environment Minister MARUKAWA.

TAKAGI Hiroshi, the petitioner, who is originally from Kumamoto Prefecture submitted a 98,889-signature petition as the first collection on April 21 at around 9 a.m.(Photo by FoE Japan)
PETITION This petition [click here]
This campaign launched at Change. org on April 16 at around 7 a.m. and it received signatures from over 100,000 individuals in only four days. TAKAGI printed out the data and brought copies to the Cabinet Office.
An all-party parliamentary group aimed to halt the operation of all nuclear power plants agrees with TAKAGI’s campaign and KONDO Shoichi, a member of the House of Representative and coleader of the group, accompanied TAKAGI. Copies were handed in to the person in charge of Petition at Cabinet Affairs Office on April 21, 2016 at around 9 a.m.
Copies include names only without addresses or e-mail address. About 20,000 comments, in addition to the signatures, were handed in. At the time of submission, there were TAKAGI, the petitioner, KONDO, his secretary, and some civil advocates ; SAKAGAMI Takeshi, OGAWA Yukiko, as well as MITSUTA kanna, FUKAKUSA Ayumi from International Environmental NGO FoE Japan.
“Feel the weight of public opinion” TAKAGI asked the person who received the copies. According to TAKAGI, the official in charge said he would pass on TAKAGI’s words to Ministers.
TAKAGI explained his ideas at the meeting with the press.
“It is urgent to stop the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant now. It is not about argument of pros and cons on nuclear plants. It is not about the criticism on the current administration. I believe the reason why so many people – more than 100,000 individuals- joined the campaign is they really resonate with my idea. I want the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant halted immediately just because I don’t want my beautiful hometown Kumamoto to became a place, where nobody can come home to.”
⇒PETITION This petition [click here]
⇒Over 30,000 signatures in 36 hours Petition against the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant [click here]
⇒Japanese version [click here]
⇒「不要讓我們回不了故鄉」 熊本出身者,遞出核能發電廠運轉停止10萬人聯署資料
⇒Online petition with 100,000 signatures submitted calling for shutdown of Sendai NPP
⇒「帰れない故郷にして欲しくない」 熊本出身者、原発停止求める10万人署名提出
⇒Over 30,000 signatures in 36 hours Petition against the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant
⇒大地震続く九州 「川内原発」停止を求める署名、36時間で3万人超える
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