Over 30,000 signatures in 36 hours Petition against the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant | アイデアニュース

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Over 30,000 signatures in 36 hours Petition against the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant

筆者: 橋本正人 更新日: 2016年4月18日

translator:MATSUNAKA Midori

A citizen who is from Kumamoto prefecture has started a campaign for collecting signatures. It has been just two days since Petition was launched calling for the shutdown of the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant and at the time of this article, it had received signatures from over 30,000 individuals. The number the undersigned is increasing. Many citizens are worried about the two reactors running at the Sendai power plant in Kagoshima Prefecture, the only commercial nuclear plant now in operation in Japan.

30,004 individuals signed as of April 17, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.

30,004 individuals signed as of April 17, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.

Mr. TAKAGI Hiroshi, who now lives in Gifu prefecture, launched this petition on April 16, 2016, at 7 a.m. He is from Kumamoto, the affected area by the quakes. 30,004 individuals signed as of April 17, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.

PETITION Change.org  This petition  [click here]

The continuing earthquakes that had hit the island of Kyusyu have caused significant damage to Kumamoto and neighboring prefectures. The quake registered a maximum 7 on the Japanese seismic intensity scale of 7 followed by a large number of aftershocks.

I can’t bear to see the afflicted areas because Kumamoto is my hometown. I believe the shutdown of the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant as a preventive measure is necessary because the Sendai plant is on the active fault zone in Kagoshima Prefecture. The government said, however, there is no need to shut down the nuclear reactors in Kagoshima, citing low seismic movements around the plant. Based on the experience at the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant, if an accident were to occur, the whole island of Kyusyu might be radiologically contaminated. It would be too late if you waited for some abnormality to happen.

Please shut down the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant immediately. It is for the victims in Kumamoto and also in the island of Kyusyu, who are suffering enough by the earthquakes. Kumamoto, my hometown is blessed with a richness of nature such as pure streams. Save Kumamoto.

The petition will be delivered to ;
HAYASHI Mikio, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
ABE Shinzo, Prime minister
President of Kyushu Electric Power Company Inc.
ITO Yuichiro, governor of Kagoshima Prefecture
MARUKAWA Tamayo Minister of State for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness

A person who join the campaign with a signature can add their own comment.
There are several opinions such as – You should put out a fire in earthquakes. Everyone knows.-

Petitioner Mr .Takagi said on the phone that he had not expected such a great response because he thought the online petition was not popular. To his surprise, 1,000 individuals per hour joined his campaign and more and more people are signing and sharing this petition now. Mr.Takagi wants to submit his petition in a few days.

[reference : The red line shows Japan median tectonic line]

The red line shows Japan median tectonic line=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tectonic_map_of_southwest_Japan.png

The red line shows Japan median tectonic line=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tectonic_map_of_southwest_Japan.png

[reference : the intensity of the earthquake in Satsumasendai city]
April 14th, 2016 at 9 26 p.m. Japanese quake scale intensity 4  [click here]
April 16th, 2016 at 1 25 a.m. Japanese quake scale intensity 4  [click here]

The numbers show Japanese earthquake intensity scale : the maximum seismic intensity is 7

The numbers show Japanese earthquake intensity scale : the maximum seismic intensity is 7

The red mark shows the location of the Sendai nuclear power plant

The red mark shows the location of the Sendai nuclear power plant

Japanese version [click here] ⇒Chinese version [click here]

「不要讓我們回不了故鄉」 熊本出身者,遞出核能發電廠運轉停止10萬人聯署資料
Online petition with 100,000 signatures submitted calling for shutdown of Sendai NPP
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Over 30,000 signatures in 36 hours Petition against the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant
大地震続く九州 「川内原発」停止を求める署名、36時間で3万人超える

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<筆者プロフィール>橋本正人(はしもと・まさと) 産経新聞記者から朝日新聞記者となり、大阪本社整理部次長、デジタル事業本部サブマネジャーなどを歴任。宝塚歌劇などを扱うサイト「アサヒコム・スターファイル」の編集責任者を6年間つとめ、独立。アイデアニュース株式会社を設立し、編集長に。趣味は声楽(テノール)。 ⇒橋本正人さんの記事一覧はこちら




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